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Comberton Sixth Form Results, Class of 2023

Press Release:

We are really pleased with the overall 2023 A-level and BTEC results, particularly with the continued turbulence and adjustment to grade boundaries post pandemic. Our students should be very proud of their achievements and looking forward to their next steps. We had very high numbers of students applying for university, apprenticeship and degree apprenticeship courses this year and there are so many individual stories of success.

As always, there are a small number of Comberton Sixth Form students who need support with their next steps and these students are working with staff to secure appropriate pathways. We have not experienced particular issues with university applications that we might have expected based on information received from Ofqual or UCAS.

Among the individuals to be celebrating was Rowan, who achieved an amazing three A* grades in mathematics, further mathematics and physics and a further A grade in Computer Science. He has been accepted by Durham to read Mathematics.

Tresa gained two A* grades and one A grade in her A-levels. She is delighted to be studying Chemistry at Exeter College, Oxford.

Barney, our former Student President will be studying Modern and Medieval Languages at St Catherine’s College, Cambridge after gaining two A* and one A grades.

Farheen will be taking up a place at the University of Warwick to read Computer Science after gaining two A* and two A grades at A-level.

Amber gained the highest of grades, at D*D*D* in BTEC Health and Social Care (Level 3 Extended Diploma) which is a fantastic result. She was awarded the £250 Reading List Foundation Scholarship in our end of Year 13 celebration event and is clearly a very worthy winner. Amber is one example of outstanding academic progress and outcomes in Health and Social Care, where 100% of the cohort gained Distinction and Distinction* grades. Many of these young people, including Amber are moving into Higher Education or training, hoping to join NHS or Education based roles in the future.

We are so pleased that our students have shared such success, with the vast majority gaining their places at their chosen universities and apprenticeships.

David Clarke, Deputy Principal and Director of Sixth Form

Comberton Sixth Form Results, Class of 2023

Many congratulations to all our Comberton Sixth Form students on achieving superb results in 2023. 

With the turbulence of the ‘pandemic years’ and the use of Centre Assessed Grades, then Teacher Assessed Grades, we are not 'publishing' our results by subject as direct comparisons are very problematic and advised against. We have provided a summative table below as a helpful indication of outcomes and progress.



This year 96% were placed at their chosen university with a third of university applicants going to Russell Group universities, including Oxbridge. In addition, a number of students have also been offered places on highly sought after school leaver programmes and apprenticeship schemes. 


GCSE English and Maths

All students who join us without GCSE Maths and/or English or having achieved below a 4 in Yr11 are required to retake with us. 

In 2023 100% of these students left us with a 4 in English and 100% with a 4 in Maths (or equvalent). 


Student Retention

In the academic year 2022-2023, 98% of students completed their programme of study and learning aims. Three students who started the year in Year 13 did not complete their course/examinations at the end of their programme of study. These students moved ito alternative provision or apprenticeships.

95% of students who joined Comberton Sixth Form in September 2021 (Year 12) moved into Year 13 and completed their exams in the summer of 2023.