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Students with identified Special Educational Needs

At Comberton Sixth Form (CSF) we believe in supporting each individual student to achieve their best. We have an excellent reputation or supporting students with all types of special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). 

Students who identify SEN needs on their application form will have their application interview with the Deputy Head of Sixth Form (SEND and MAT). Some students will also be invited to the college for a pre-visit in the late summer term to meet the support team and become more familiar with the college buildings if this is thought to be helpful. Students with high levels of identified SEN will have a named contact within the support team who will keep in regular contact with them, their tutor, subject teachers and home.

We consider ourselves to be a fully inclusive environment and make many adaptations to mainstream education and the school environment in order that all students can manage successfully and are offered equal opportunities to participate fully in the life of the school and take part in all possible activities. We endeavour to support young people to participate in any additional/extra-curricular activity they would like to without any barriers being put in place. We also take the overall well-being of all students very seriously and support those with social and emotional difficulties by offering access to internal and external support services.

For more detailed information about the provision available at Comberton Village College and Sixth Form, please click here.