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Student Support

Supporting students to succeed

The transition from school to Sixth Form and beyond is an exciting time and one which brings many challenges. We aim to support and guide students every step of the way to bridge the divide between school, university and employment.

Sixth Form Leadership Team

The Head and Deputy Heads of Sixth Form and our Post-16 Manager will be on hand to ensure the level of support a student needs is available whenever it is need. 

Academic tutor team

When students join us they will be allocated an academic tutor who will have dedicated time both to get to know and to support students during their time at Comberton and also to prepare students for the next step. Students will have regular and formalised one-to-one meetings with their tutor to discuss progress, help solve any problems that arise and agree targets. Tutors will work closely with students, subject teachers and, if appropriate, the Student Support Team. This ensures that they have a thorough understanding of a student's need and can offer you the best advice to help every student to achieve the highest possible levels of success in all areas of Sixth Form life.

Student Support Team

The Sixth Form’s student support team consists of experienced counsellors and youth workers who will liaise closely with the Sixth Form Leadership Team and academic tutors, as well as accessing help from a range of outside agencies. This ensures that students can receive all the specialist support that may need during the important Sixth Form years. 


Useful Links

Keep Your Head is a useful website for students in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough who may be concerned about their own or others' mental health.

Kooth  offers free confidential online counselling for students

Chat Health is a secure and confidential text messaging service for young people aged 11-19 across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough who are struggling to cope with issues such as bullying, emotional health, relationship problems, alcohol and drugs. The number to text is 07480 635 443

CASUS is the Cambridgeshire Child and Adolescent Substance Use Service, provided by the NHS Foundation Trust. CASUS provides information, support and specialist treatment in Cambridgeshire, around drug and alcohol use, to young people under 18 and their families. The website contains information on their services, including how to refer yourself, or somebody else, and lots of information and advice around drugs, alcohol, and mental wellbeing.

Think U Know has useful guidance for parents/carers and young people on online safety. The school also runs e-safety events throughout the year to support young people.


The Equality and Diversity group at Comberton Village College has also suggested that these resources are useful for young people and their families:

LGBTQ+ support:

The Kite Trust: local information on support for LGBTQ+ young people and their families

Mermaids: National information on support for trans-gendered students and their families

Ethnicity support:

Racism & Mental Health, Youngminds: Young minds has a range of resources to support Ethnicity students as well as other sections focused on mental health and wellbeing.

Neurodiversity support:

Autism & mental health, Youngminds: there is also information and support focused on neurodiversity at on the Young Minds site.


Accessing external support

We work closely with Local Authorities and external partners to support young people, their families and carers. For further information on what support is available locally please see: